For purchasing organisations, specifying AS/NZS ISO 3834 certification as a requirement for fabricators offers a range of benefits, including:
- By having a recognised and certified competency level:
- The risk of a fabricator failing a welded joint is significantly reduced
- The chance of a random error in test procedures is significantly reduced
- The risk of welded product in-service failure is greatly mitigated
- Reduction of project costs due to decreased or eliminated requirement for rework
- Currency of certification. Company certification is valid for five years after issue, and all companies are subject to an annual surveillance audit. This means that you can assess fabricators on current, rather than past, performance
- As fabricators have already undergone expert, independent assessment against an internationally recognised standard to attain certification, your own vetting processes, procedures and costs are reduced
- In-depth, authoritative evaluation of fabricator capability and overall competence
- Assurance of built-in quality
Want to Contract an AS/NZS ISO 3834 Certified Fabricator?
Ready to have contract a fabricator certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834? You can: